What to expect and the personal web


Everyone on agora keeps going on about "muh personal web" so here I am, finally succumbed to the Gruppenzwang. But what the fuck am I even supposed to post here? I am no artist, I make no music and this entire thing was built via AI and some spit so no, I'm obviously no designer either, nor interested in it. And everything I want to say and share I already do on the forum so what exactly is the purpose of this? There is a big thread on the road about this topic and I remember having a discussion with eden about it and he simply could not fathom someone not seeing any value in it.

So what happened? Did I change my mind and now realise that this is the best way to host all the content that I don't produce? To post all my oh so spicy opinions here that wouldn't get censored anywhere else anyway since I'm just a normie with milquetoast center politics? To design a cool website to host my art portfolio to impress future employers or customers EVEN THOUGH I DON'T MAKE ANY ART AND ALERADY HAVE A JOB AND HAVE NO INTEREST I-

You get the point. Nothing I upload or post here is any better just because it's on my own personal website. In fact, fewer people are gonna read it and if I wanted many to read it I'd make a fucking thread or post on a site where I know that people will. My stance has not changed. The hype on the forum about the personal web only makes sense if you're either an artist guy or know some webdesign to make some pretty pages with cool demonstrations of technology. Or if whatever you're saying is so retarded that no forum or social media site wants to host it so you have to scream it into the void somewhere where no one reads it.

I'm none of that. I'm at home in the comment sections of the world. I go to forums, imageboards and social media sites to communicate with people first and foremost. I think if you are a stalwart defender of the personal web you just can't fathom that not everyone is a creator and not everyone has the drive to create. You can now get your fart balloon that you store for moments like these and huff some of your precious farts and pad your shoulder. Some people just are content with just visiting other sites and posting there and aren't grand visionaries like you who could never be just a lowly consumer. The only reason I will post things here is because I don't want to annoy people with it and should only be read by those who deliberately seek it out. I just want to scream into the void without any illusions of grandeur that I'm some independant creator. If you really need to hear something from me then you're gonna read it on the forum (or read it under one of my million usernames somewhere else without knowing it's me, but it will be a place where I can guarantee that it will reach the audience I intend to reach.) So yeah, just about everything you will see here could've been a email or post on a forum or reddit and nothing about the content would change. Even if I decided to self host instead of using nekoweb, nothing would change. There is no inherent value in self hosting and the personal web and I think it's cringe how deified it is on my favorite forum. If everyone just sat in their ivory tower then we'd have no online friends.

If every man opens a pub in town then who's gonna go to the pub anymore?

So yes, I'm aware that only one or two people are ever gonna read this post and I don't expect anyone to visit this site to see what's new. With that rant out of the way and your precious methane reserves awfully depleted let's move on to what you can actually expect to see here.

I'm most likely gonna dtich this thing like I ditch any forever half assed project I ever start. But I of course thought of SOME things to post before going through the hoops of making this site: I think I might start writing a campaign journal for my D&D campaigns. I usually play two sessions a week in three different campaigns.trfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffg <- thanks for the input, cat . The goal is to spend some time after every session putting the events of the the session into words, maybe accompany them with my crude drawings and preferably add some flourishes of storytelling to them. Since TTRPGs are my biggest and dearest hobby it only makes sense to write something I know about and enjoy. I might interject a rant of some sort here and there but it's mainly gonna be some sort of campaign diary that probably won't be intersting to random online strangers.

That out of the way; Here I am with my own boring website that you're never gonna visit again. Take my button so we can larp as if it's 1998 again. Yay I'm part of the club now just for the sake of it :)